Barnfield Customs

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Field Notes No.12

Every month, I email out a progress update on our jackets. We also drop in inspiring articles, podcasts, videos, books, events and others. Click here to sign up and be the first to know when pre-orders for our limited edition jackets launch.


This week has gone from good to better. Yesterday, I met Tony at Harvey Quilting in Nottingham. Not only was he incredibly generous with his time and knowledge, he has exactly the machinery that I need to combine the printed organic cotton and the British wool that I've sourced to create the quilted lining for the Lawrence.

The reason this is such a win is that it's been incredibly difficult to find a production partner here in the UK who not only specialises in tailored outerwear but who also has the equipment to complete each of the parts that make up the whole jacket. Quilting in particular needs specialist machinery and experience to make sure it insulates effectively and is stitched with the right tension so that it's durable.

Because apparel production has been a declining industry for many years in the UK, it's made more sense for factories to specialise. Although I completely understand that, it means that different processes need to be completed at different factories which makes for a complex logistics set up for one jacket!


There are nearly 8 billion people in the world. Asides from the fact that that's a huge amount of any one species, it raises a question. If I'm producing four jacket styles a year, starting with just 300 Lawrence jackets, is there any real competition or are we all in it together?

Considering the fact that just writing out what percentage 300 is of 8 billion requires an understanding of mathematics that far outstrips my level of understanding, my personal belief is that we're stronger together.

Given that nothing on this journey has come easily, it's been incredibly important to have been able to take inspiration from others. There are so many people and brands who've inspired me along my journey so far, I wanted to share a handful with you.

That said, I'm always on the look out for inspirational, independent brands so if I've missed any that speak to you, please drop me a line and let me know!


Undeniably a huge influence on my choice to launch by preorder and such an inspiration. Becky and Huw are on to their 11th jacket, have built up a fiercely loyal community and sell out within minutes of launch each time.